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Emergency Oxygen Provider


Knowing how and when to administer emergency oxygen is a valuable skill to have in a dive emergency. PADI Emergency Oxygen Provider and SSI React Right courses prepares you to offer aid and teaches you to recognize scuba diving injuries and illnesses requiring emergency oxygen.

These are excellent courses for scuba divers, boat crew, lifeguards, freedivers or anyone who spends time in and around water. No age restrictions or water sessions required.

Learn how to:

  • Assemble an oxygen unit and administer emergency oxygen,
  • Administer emergency oxygen,
  • Be prepared to offer aid to divers and any recreational water user,
  • Gain experience handling oxygen equipment,
  • Identify when oxygen is needed for scuba diving and water-related injuries and illnesses,
  • Aid a diver if decompression sickness is suspected.

You can pick the certifying agency of your choice: PADI or SSI.

Clear selection

Additional information

Certifying Agency


Class Types

Private, Touch / e-Learning, Regular / Group, Semi-Private